You’ve done it. You’ve spent hours practising with your mum sitting in the seat next to you. You’ve studied for hours. Now it’s time for you to go for your P’s. This can be a nerve-wracking thing to attempt, but take a deep breath and remember these six tips.
1. Keep Your Signal on for Five Seconds
Five seconds can stretch on for what seems like ages. This is especially true if you’re sitting on a side street or parking spot with very few cars. However, your examiner will be looking for the indicator to stay on for five seconds before you go. Leave it on, count in your head, and score a few easy points.
2. Be Obvious About Blind Spot Checks
It’s normal to want to quickly glance over your shoulder when you check your blind spots. However, make it very obvious when you’re with the examiner. Move your head and check your mirrors, and make sure that you make obvious over-the-shoulder checks.
3. Go the Speed Limit
One common myth a lot of new drivers fall for is going 10km under the posted speed limit. You want to go the speed limit but adjust for unfavourable conditions like rain or slippery surfaces. Slow down as you need to, but don’t go 10km below the limit just because.
4. Make Sure Your Car is Ready
Before you go for your test, make sure that your car is ready and in good repair. Check that your rego is current, your tyres have the correct inflation, your windows are clean, indicators and brake lights work, and that you have enough petrol in your car.
5. Ask for Directions if You’re Not Sure
Your examiner will give you directions if and when they want you to turn, pull over or park. However, being nervous can make it difficult to hear them. Don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat themselves or repeat their directions back to them and ask for confirmation.
6. Take a Practice Exam
It’s a good idea to book a practice exam before you attempt your actual exam. This can help to calm some of your nerves because you’ll know what to expect. They may also be able to take you through the actual exam area so you can learn the route or the ins and outs. They’ll also be able to point out any bad habits they notice.
Attempting your P’s can be nerve-wracking. However, these six quick tips can help to calm your nerves. You’ll be able to go into your exam and have the confidence you need to do well.